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        Corporate Honors

        The company has passed ISO9001 quality management system certification, and has been rated as Hebei High-tech Enterprise, High-tech Small and Medium-sized Enterprise, Hebei Specialized and Special New Small and Medium-sized Enterprise, "Tax Integrity Enterprise", "Green Plant", etc. Since 2012, the Company has applied for and been granted 25 utility model patents (13 of which are currently valid), 14 software copyrights, 8 technical review certificates issued by China Academy of Railway Sciences, and many provincial and municipal scientific and technological achievements. Among them, the GCT-8C/11 rail ultrasonic flaw detector has won the first prize of Xingtai Science and Technology Progress Award, and has been selected by China Academy of Railway Sciences as the teaching material and instrument for quality training class of rail flaw detection; The "Remote Monitoring System for Online Rail Inspection" participated in 2013 and the "Auxiliary Analysis System for Rail Inspection" participated in 2020 won the Second Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress of Beijing Railway Administration; The "Auxiliary Analysis System for Rail Flaw Detection" won the Second Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress of China Railway Nanning Bureau Group Corporation in 2020; In 2022, the integrated rail weld flaw detector won the third prize of Hebei High-tech Enterprise Science and Technology Award.


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          1. 怀来县| 故城县| 海淀区| 定兴县| 嘉义县| 同仁县| 广饶县| 富阳市| 大兴区| 惠州市| 大悟县| 荥经县| 淳化县| 工布江达县| 化州市| 凌源市| 丰顺县| 集安市| 保定市| 保靖县| 广东省| 榆中县| 临邑县| 砚山县| 日土县| 阜宁县| 黄石市| 香河县| 霸州市| 尉犁县| 察隅县| 河北省| 益阳市| 富阳市| 烟台市| 绿春县| 屏东市| 芦溪县| 江津市| 静乐县| 浠水县| http://444 http://444 http://444